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Bid on NFT Art Earn $SPORK

Calling all Bufficorns, PegaBufficorns, MegaPegaBufficorns,
Spork Marmots & BuffiGWEI!
On June 26th, 2021, ETHDenver Presents a Virtual and IRL Launch Party & NFT Art Bazaar to Celebrate the Birth of SporkDAO & the Community Token $SPORK
Beginning on June 11th at 11AM MT, ETHDenver Community Members will be able to purchase or bid on rare NFT art.
Rare & early provenance art from ETHDenver 2018-present
Unique ETHDenver, Bufficorn family themed pieces created by talented artists from throughout the ETHDenver community.
Sales benefit the future of the SporkDAO community
ETHDenver VIP utility features unique to many NFTs
Artists & patrons earn $SPORK Rewards for all purchases (sales & auctions)

Live on June 26th
The Evolution of ETHDenver to
a Community-Owned Organization
What's SporkDAO?
Initiated in 2019, SporkDAO represents the final leg of the journey
towards transitioning ETHDenver to a true community owned ecosystem.
Why SPORK in the name?
A Spork is the most utilitarian instrument in the known world. It can be used to eat, dig, attack, defend, and, mostly notably, #BUIDL. Bufficorns, PegaBufficorns, MegaPegaBufficorns, and BuffiGWEI all choose the $SPORK as their tool of choice when collaborating to #BUIDL the decentralized future.

The SporkDAO Community

ColoradoJam Incubator
& Bufficorn Ventures
Dozens of top projects in the Web3 community
globally have been birthed at ETHDenver since 2018.
ETHDenver is beefing up its resources for top projects with the launch of the ColoradoJam Incubator and Bufficorn Ventures.
Top Teams at ETHDenver will be considered for receiving early stage capital to continue building their projects
Funds are in addition to the base prizes distributed to finalists
$SPORK holders become stakeholders in these projects that the community chooses to fund
Support comes in the form of capital, mentorship (dev, marketing, etc), industry connections.

Properties & Distribution of $SPORK Rewards
$SPORK Properties:
A Patronage Rewards token via the SporkDAO, LCA (Cooperative legal wrapper) which serves as a unit of account to determine the distribution of profits to Community Members who own $SPORK
Profits can arise from event operations and investments which the community earns
Community Members receive $SPORK for patronage to the community via ETHDenver events, purchase of products, and participation in community orgs.
At launch, distribution of $SPORK Rewards begins with retroactive rewards for historical ETHDenver patronage contributions.
Moving forward, Community Members will earn $SPORK Rewards for patronage contributions.

Community Members earn $SPORK for patronage via:
Submitting a project at the annual #BUIDLathon & Community Innovation Festival
Placing in the “Finalists” category for projects
ETHDenver Event Sponsorship
Grant Contribution to the ColoradoJam Incubator and/or Bufficorn Ventures
Staking in one of the SporkDAO ecosystem organizations
NFT/Swag Purchases from or
Creating and Auctioning Art
Speaking, Mentoring, Volunteering or Otherwise Contributing to ETHDenver
Participation in Stewardship & Core Team of ETHDenver
Providing Services in Support of ETHDenver & SporkDAO
Verified attendance of ETHDenver in person
Verified attendance of ETHDenver virtually
Community Members stake $SPORK to earn:
Additional $SPORK Rewards
Increased voting power in Community governance
Bonuses at ETHDenver:
Exclusive airdrops from sponsors
Early access to rare art NFTs
Exclusive access to swag
Invitation to exclusive events for $SPORK Whales & Stakers
VIP access discounts

Visit Daily Wed-Sun, June 11 - 26, 2pm-10pm!
Drop by in person to check the gallery out!
2611 Walnut Street, Denver, CO 80204 (Map)
Down the stairs, at entrance to Osaka Ramen