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ColoradoJam & Sponsor Bounty Presentations
Team Formation Icebreaker Sessions
24 HRS
#BUIDLer Support All Week Long
Virtual Experiences: Shill Zone, Art Gallery, Maker Space, Zen Zone, Community Games, DJ Sets, and More!
Jam/#BUIDLathon Begins
Opening Ceremonies
Virtual Castle Open
Technical Workshops Day 1
Technical Workshops Days 2-3
Virtual Castle Open
Daily Fun Community Events
Panels & Talks Days 4-7
Daily Fun Community Events
Jam/#BUIDLathon Project Submission Deadline
Judging & Project Demo Day
Closing Ceremonies & Awards
Closing Party & VR Concert
NOTE: All events will be held virtually for ETHDenver & ColoradoJam 2021.
Experiences are accessible via web browser. No VR headset required.
Judges & Speakers


Bernhard Borges

Nuno Axe
Web3 Engineer,

Timothy Ryan
Founder & GP,

Carlos Colorado
Lead Developer,

Daniel Helm
Developer Evangelist,
Skynet Labs

Tucker Logan

Justin Leroux
Business Development Lead,

Jonathan Dotan
Fellow, Stanford Center for
Blockchain Research

Ryoma Ito

Blockchain UniVRse


What is ETHDenver?ETHDenver is the largest Web3 #BUIDLathon in the world (formerly known as a hackathon) for Ethereum and other blockchain protocol enthusiasts, designers and developers. The 7 day event is open 24 hours a day with a wide variety of activities including talks and workshops by top blockchain influencers and experts. The purpose is to contribute to the global blockchain ecosystem, whether by #BUIDLing decentralized applications (dApps), contributing to or starting infrastructure level projects, writing documentation/tutorials/white-papers, designing UI/UX, or info-graphics. So bring your inner awesomeness and some friends. We’ll provide mentors, resources, and all of the educational content you can consume.
What is ColoradoJam?ColoradoJam is a feature track within ETHDenver. In partnership with the State of Colorado and Governor Jared Polis, participants in ColoradoJam are able to compete for prizes within different state agencies to produce technological solutions to pressing problems. Web2 and Web3 projects are welcome to submit for consideration. Winners of each agency "Jam" will be awarded cash prizes as well as a potential opportunity for a pilot program with the State of Colorado.
Is ETHDenver + ColoradoJam happening in person in 2021? Can I participate from home?All core activities, including the software building competition (BUIDLathon), will be held virutally for 2021. This year the entire world will be able to access the fun and share their creativity from any computer in the world. There may be a limited amount of small local events in Denver as well, depending on COVID-19 restrictions (TBA). We also plan to host a mountain retreat following ETHDenver 2021, also with details TBA.
Is ETHDenver + ColoradoJam only a place for web3 / blockchain technology projects?This year's event's Open and Impact tracks are designed exclusively for the creation of blockchain solutions. The all new ColoradoJam track accepts both blockchain (web3) and web2 solutions.
What is #BUIDL?The #BUIDL meme was introduced formally to the ETH community at ETHDenver 2018 and has stuck as the community wide rallying cry throughout the world. #BUIDL is the our response to the BTC (Bitcoin) community's #HODL. We think #hodling (holding) cryptocurrencies is important, but we think that #buidling (aka building) is much more important. Without #buidling the decentralized future, #hodling will be just a sport of vanity.
Who can participate?Anyone 18 and over (at the time of the event) can apply to participate in the #BUIDLathon. Applications are based on interest in blockchain technology and demonstrated ability to code, design or otherwise meaningfully contribute to a project. Applications from any corner of the globe will be accepted. PLEASE NOTE that non-technical contributors are welcome as well. If you have something you think you can add to the ecosystem – whether it's a knack for crafting white papers to explain dApps, a creative or artistic perspective, or an entrepreneurial vision – we'd welcome your talents and skills on one of the #BUIDLathon teams.
If I'm under 18 at the time of the event, can I still participate?"Yes. But not being 18 (legal adulthood in the US), you cannot legally agree to our application waiver. With parent/legal guardian consent and release you can attend with them (or a chaperone approved by your parent/guardian). For under 18 application information, please submit your application, selecting the under 18 option, and contact us at to finalize your application.
What is the code of conduct?I understand that ETHDenver is a community event intended for collaboration and learning in the community. We value the participation of each member of the community and want all attendees to have an enjoyable and fulfilling experience. Accordingly, all attendees are expected to show respect and courtesy to other attendees throughout the event. To make clear what is expected, all attendees and speakers at this event are required to conform to the following Code of Conduct. Organizers will enforce this code throughout the event. Harassment includes but is not limited to offensive verbal comments, hacks, or other online activity related to gender, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, physical appearance, race, religion, sexual images, deliberate intimidation, stalking, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention. Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. If participants fail to comply they will be asked to leave the event. Be careful and mindful of the words that you choose. Remember that sexist, racist, and other exclusionary comments and hacks can be offensive to those around you. I understand that if a participant engages in behavior that violates this code of conduct, the ETHDenver organizers will take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or expulsion from the hackathon or other ETHDenver activities.
When do applications open?You can get on the email list anytime and we'll email you updates, including when applications go live in early January 2021.
When will I know if I'm accepted?You'll receive confirmation within one week of your application submission.
How much does it cost to attend ETHDenver?ETHDenver is free to attend for approved applicants. For 2021, event swag will also be free as long as you're willing to pay shipping costs. You can also earn free shipping by earning reputation by participating in various ETHDenver events or submitting a project.
How many people can be on a team?You need at least two members to form a team. This is not a solo sport; collaboration is key. The max for any one team is 4 people. If you don’t have a team, there will be an opportunity to form or join one prior to the start of the event or on the first day of the event following the opening ceremony. We invite both experienced and new developers, businesspeople, designers, students, and more. A diverse blend of skills have lead to some of incredible projects at past events.
I don't have a team but would like to join / create one. How can I find people?Join the Discord and Telegram channels to start connecting with other members of the ETHDenver community from around the world. Following the application/acceptance process in January 2021, we'll invite you to a number of icebreaker sessions leading into ETHDenver where you can propose a project idea or listen to others share their ideas. Teams will indicate what skills they have an what skills they're looking for. You can mingle/chat with a number of teams and join the one that feels like the best fit for you. We'll also hold icebreaker sessions the night prior to ETHDenver and following the opening ceremony if you haven't found a team by then.
What if I've never participated in a #BUIDLathon (software building competition)? I'm a developer / designer / businessperson / student / artist / etc. Can I participate?There’s a first time for everything. Both experienced and brand new developers, designers, businesspeople, artists, students, and more are invited to join. Some of the most successful teams include a good mix of skillsets. If you’re interested in learning, even better reason to come. We’ll provide mentors, resources and workshops to help you sharpen your skills and unleash your inner awesomeness. Be eager, coachable and open. You never know what you might be able to create.
Can I start working on my project ahead of time?If you're excited to get working, we suggest studying the skills you intend to use to create your project, but please do not begin working on your specific project. We believe in a level playing field. As such, pre-existing projects are not allowed if you wish to be considered for prizes. You may, however, build a new feature for an existing project that is unique and standalone. Judges will make the final decision on whether a project will qualify for prize consideration.
What sort of workshops, speakers and other fun stuff will be going on?"The focus of all speakers and workshops will be on the lates trends in decentralization and all things blockchain – for example, development tools and practices such as ETH2.0, DeFi, DAOs, Solidity, testnets, state channels, tokenomics, and so on. The official schedule will be announced shortly before ETHDenver 2021. Regarding fun stuff, we will provide many activities to help you take effective breaks and reset your brain. There will also be ample opportunities for socializing and connecting with your fellow participants and #BUIDLathon contributors in fun new virtual spaces. We're experimenting with several VR experiences, minecraft worlds, digital art, and much more.
How does judging work?Visit for details.
What are the prizes for the winning teams?Visit and for details.
When will I receive payout for prizes and/or bounties I win at ETHDenver?Bounties and Prizes will be distributed a few weeks after the conclusion of the event. You will be required to complete a form by accounting and will be provided with several options for receiving funds.
How does ETHDenver define diversity?Diversity encompasses the full range of experiential, ethnic, socio-economic backgrounds, countries of origin, sexual preferences, and gender orientations. We are truly a "big umbrella" community, and believe we're far stronger for having a rich variety of backgrounds and diverse intelligences.
What's the #Bufficorn?The #Bufficorn is a magical fantastical animal that represents the collaborative spirit of ETHDenver. They live in communities atop Colorado's 14'er mountain peaks and strive to serve their communities above their own selfish interests. For more backstory, read the full anthology HERE (
What's the #SporkMarmot?Living amongst the Bufficorn is the Spork Marmot (marmota sporkialus); a wiley and intelligent creature, known for their use of sporks for virtually everything, seeing clearly that it is a most utilitarian and superior utensil. A symbioses formed between the Bufficorn and the Spork Marmot shortly after the War of Protocolis, when the famed Writ of Mt. Sneffels, along with various other 140 character musings, spread widely across the Front Range. The Spork Marmot, fluent in countless languages, was able to relay the wisdom of the Bufficorn by means of the bird Twiterpalious (colloquially known as the “Mountain Bluebird”), which found great dietary benefit in the pink sparkles trailing a herd of Bufficorn.
What does the Bufficorn say?The #Bufficorn makes quite a unique sound, "BUIDL!". It is solely responsible for the Ethereum community's rally cry. Those who subscribe to the community nature of the #Bufficorn will honor this incredible creature by replicating its call to action!
What does the Spork Marmot say?The Spork Marmot is a creature of few words and sounds.
I have a question not listed here. Who can I ask? is best and will receive the fastest response prior to the event. You can also touch base with a Steward in Discord.
How do I register to volunteer? What does ETHDenver need virtual volunteer help with this year?Complete the standard application at and after entering basic details you'll be asked if you'd like to volunteer. If you select yes, you'll be presented with various ways ETHDenver can be even better this year with your help! Choose up to 3 areas you're excited to get involved and the leader of that team will reach out in January to get you engaged: - Virtual Castle Experience - Live Stream - ProductionLive Stream - Guest ManagementContent Producer - Interviews, Production and SocialVirtual Maker Space & Art Projects - Virtual Zen Zone - Blockchain Arcade - DJ Livestream + Virtual Concert - Help Desk - Mentorship / BUIDLathon Support - Minecraft Melees - Fun Side Events (Poker, Chess, etc) - Judging Support
How can I apply to speak at ETHDenver & ColoradoJam 2021?Complete the standard application available at and after submitting basic details, you'll be asked if you'd like to speak. Select "yes", and you'll be asked questions about the duration of your talk, title, and a short summary. Our content will review all applications, confirm acceptances and schedule sessions by mid-January.
How do I apply to judge submissions for ETHDenver & ColoradoJam 2021?Complete the standard application at and after answering a number of standard questions, you'll be asked if you'd like to judge. If you answer yes, we'll ask questions relevant to judging and our team will reach out by mid January to confirm acceptances.

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