Gaming with Gov
Date: Mon, Feb 8th 5-7pm (MST)
The worlds of League of Legends and blockchain come to a clash in Colorado as Governor Jared Polis, Montecristo, DoA, and some of blockchain and esports’ biggest personalities dual-it-out in the rift!
If you’re excited now, just know that we aren’t stopping there! We’re bringing along Colorado’s favorite son and reuniting a legendary esports duo as Christopher “Montecristo” Mykles and Erik “DoA” Lonnquist enter the Rift as our lead commentator’s for the event!
Teleport or flash your way into the ETHDenver stream and Twitch.tv/Montecristo on Monday, February 8th from 6:00pm - 7:00pm (MST) to catch all of the action.
In celebration of ColoradoJam Summit and our relationship with the state of Colorado we’re bringing your favorite gaming Governor to the ETHDenver Nexus. On Monday, February 8th from 6:00pm - 7:00pm (MST), Colorado Governor, Jared Polis, will play a live-streamed League of Legends game session with blockchain and gaming industry personalities.
Live: Mon, Feb 8th 6-7pm (MST)
Format: 5v5
Map: Summoner's Rift
Picks: Blind
Game Start: 6:00pm
Jared Polis - Governor of Colorado
Kelsey Moser - Competitive & Collegiate Development Lead, Evil Geniuses
Gidd Sasser - General Manager of CBLOL franchise, Flamengo
LegitKorea - North America’s #1 ranked Ahri player and Colorado-streamer
Carson - Former Captain of CU Boulder League of Legends
Kowalczyk - Team Captain of Colorado School of Mines League of Legends
PiraTechnics - Esports shoutcaster, voiceover artist, and host
Jordan Spence - CMO of MyCrypto.com
Keetchie - Head of the League of Legends program at CSU
Copari - Rank 56 Challenger player and CSU student
Christopher "MonteCristo" Mykles & Erik "DoA" Lonnquist
What Is League of Legends?
League of Legends is a team-based [Multiplayer Online Battle Arena, “MOBA”] strategy game where two teams of five powerful champions face off to destroy the other’s base. Players choose from over 140 champions to make epic plays, secure kills, and take down towers as they battle their way to victory.
Download League of Legends here!