Chess on the Chain
Date: Sun, Feb 7th 5-7pm (MST)
Registration Deadline: Sat, Feb 6th 11:59pm
Prize Pool: 1 ETH
Cost: Free for ETHDenver Attendees (Limited)
We will run a 3-step chess event during ETHDenver. Players will register beforehand with a cap of 300 players. Players will have to register an account on chess.com, join the Etherans chess club, then register for the 1st Annual ETHDenver Chess Tournament.
Players will then compete in a 120 minute “Swiss Tournament'' that lasts 12 rounds. In those two hours you will play 12 matches. The next round doesn’t begin until all matches of the round are complete, so you could end up waiting a few minutes between games or it could be back to back (so don’t leave your computer for too long). The top players will earn from the prize pool.
Live: Sun, Feb 7th 5-7pm (MST)
Live: Sun, Feb 7th 5-7pm (MST)
Ends: Sat, Feb 6th 11:59pm (MST)
Player Cap: 300
Player Buy-Ins: FREE (must submit ETH address to receive POAP)
Prize Pool: 1 ETH
Tournament Type: Swiss Tournament - 120 minutes of standard play where players will engage for 12 rounds to determine who will emerge victorious!
Download: Chess.com app on mobile (or navigate to chess.com on computer).
Register: Players must join “Ethereans” chess.com club before Saturday, February 6th
Fill Out: Players must enter personal information including the following: name, email address, country of residence, chess.com username, and ETH Address before Saturday, February 6th. This Form can be found here
Join Game and Play: Log in to Chess.com at the 4:30pm and join the tournament room.
Check-in: 4:30pm - 5:00pm
Check-In, Login to Chess.com and make sure you're ready to play.
Swiss Matches: 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Every player will have the opportunity to play for the full hour (not single elimination). The players with the most wins will move on to the next round, so try to play as many games as you can in the hour. If you are in a position where you’re very likely to lose, it is better to resign and move on to the next game than to drag out a loss. When you complete a game, you’ll be put back into the lobby and paired with another player. This will happen repeatedly while the tournament is running. (Duration: 1.0 Hour)
Pay Table
Player Finish | ETH Prize | POAP
1st - .5 ETH - First Place POAP
2nd - .25 ETH - Second Place POAP
3rd - .15 ETH - Third Place POAP
4th - .1 ETH - Fourth Place POAP
5th - 0 ETH- Fifth Place POAP
6th - 0 ETH - Sixth Place POAP